Camden NJ
February 6, 2003
Pictures ~ Inventory
From Project Coordinator, Vicki Knapp:
I will attempt to share our wonderful day yesterday at the Cooper Presentation.
We arrived at the loading dock of the hospital around 12:30, where we were met by Judy Hancock, NICU Head Nurse. She was impatiently waiting on the dock with one flatbed cart. When Bob (my hubby) said to her that one was not going to be enough as he opened the rear doors of the van, she was truly speechless and had to go running around to find a second cart.
After loading the carts, we proceeded to the 5th floor where the NICU is located and were escorted to a conference room where we were to display all the wonderful items that everyone sent. Nurses, Doctors, Attendants, PR Department, Directors, etc. all were coming by to take a peek. Everyone was absolutely amazed and delighted by everything that was presented to them. They were especially amazed to learn that not only eveyone of TLC is connected thru the internet, but how far apart everyone lives, yet can still come together as one strong helping unit of crafters.
We (Murf and I) had the wonderful pleasure of meeting Dianne Wilkerson and her son Daniel in person. Not only did we get pictures of her attendance, but the PR dept of the hospital and Channel 6 news did a focus picture of her with items made by her. She and her son are wonderful and generous, she crochets beautifully and her son, who is 13, makes Get Well Cards to be given to children in the PEDS unit.
We were escorted to the NICU and had the delicious thrill and honor of meeting 2 special babies, whom I had previous knowledge of from Judy, who provided me with all the infomation as to their names, date of birth, weight, etc. I had embroidered Keepsake Blankets for both of them.
The first baby we were introduced to was little Master Jake Carter Wakeford, born 1/20/03, 3lbs, 110z, 16.5 inches, along with Jake's Mommy. Jake's Mother and Father are from England and they were here on business when Mrs. Wakeford went into early labor. Mom was truly thrilled to receive special items for Jake. Being so far away from home and family at a time one needs their family, the TLC gifts were especially comforting to her and she said they will always be keepsakes for Jake from his United States friends. They are hoping that Jake will be able to return with them to their home in England soon, as family is anxiously waiting to meet the newest family member.
Our second honor of the day was to meet little Miss Ariana Marie Garcia, who was born 1/28/03, 4lbs, 9oz, along with her Mommy and Daddy. When born, she was too critcal for them to get an actual length at birth, so I did not have that information to be able to put on the blanket. Little Ariana has had 2 major surgeries since her birth. The staff is hoping the second operation will be all that is needed for her to get well. Her Mommy and Daddy were ever so appreciative and excited over the beautiful sweater from Suzanne Lipschitz of NY, matching hat made by Carol O'Neil of Hawaii, blanket/hat/bootie set made by Judy Wishart of NJ, we presented to them along with the Keepsake blanket. This couple was extremely young and I know they truly could use the extra gifts we gave them for their precious little girl.
Parents of both babies have told me they will keep in touch regarding the progress of their babies and they have given their permission for us to add pictures of their bundle of joy to our Gallery of Angels on our website. We hope to have them posted soon.
In discussion with one of the Dr.s, who was veryy inquisitive about how TLC works, how did we all meet, etc, wanted to know what the total count of items we had brought. When I told him the total count was 2,229 items, he looked at us and said, "That is so weird." When we inquired as to what he was referring to, he replied, "The telephone number to the infant wing is 'Baby' and on the telephone keyboard, the numerical dialing is 2229." That is amazing how that worked out.
The staff of Cooper Hospital extends their deepest and sincerest gratitude to each and every one of you that participated in the Cooper Presentation. They were greatly overwhelmed by everyone's beautiful creativity and generosity and all the LOVE that each of you put into your work to help their babies.
On behalf of TLC, Ladies, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continuous support during each presentation to help the babies. You, yourselves, are Angels in disguise.
Vicki in NJ

2,229 items
Great job Ladies! Thank you so much for your never ending generosity!
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