Meet Our Volunteers:
BJ's Heaven's Faith
Danette of God's Tiny Angels
Darla's Darling Scroll Saw Things
Eleanor's Comforting Special Angels
Frank McNamara
Ice Princess's Palace
Kay's Lake Area Crochet
Kerri's PC Baby Drive
Laniesew's Pages
Lynn's Theme Parties in a Box
Lyn's Angel Crafts
Lynda's Crochet
Mary's Homepage for Charity
Nancy's Kids Holiday Crafts
NetCastles - free web site design for charities
Rain Tree Gifts
Sandi's Haven
Shara's A Skein Into A Hug
Meet Our Staff:
Vicki Knapp - Trustee
Pat Iglewski - Trustee
Kaye Hardin - Trustee
- Director of Public Relations
Last Updated