The heart of giving

TLC for Angels
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TLC For Angels was founded on the belief that every child deserves a good start

It is heart-wrenching to realize how many babies are born into the world without a warm blanket or proper clothing. When our donations are presented to hospitals, consisting mainly of hand crafted clothing and blankets, we only provide for a small portion of the millions of babies born each year in the U.S. But if we can make a difference in just one life, we are rewarded. If one more child goes home with a blanket or sweater to keep them warm, if one more little angel is dressed in a beautiful bereavement gown which helps the parents begin their healing process, if one more mother smiles because she has just learned that someone cares, we have been successful in working towards our goals.

In the spring of 2000, following these beliefs, TLC for Angels became a 501(c)3 IRS approved non-profit organization. This site was created to let people know of TLC's existence, functions and goals. To encourage other individuals to join forces with TLC to build a strong network of crafters to help Angels who need an extra touch of "Tender Loving Care".

We select 3 hospitals each year to deliver donations of handmade items consisting of hats, booties, blankets, sweaters, buntings, take-me-home ensembles, toys, activity kits, bereavement gowns, etc., generously and lovingly created by crafters located across the U.S. and internationally who sew, crochet or knit. For the benefit of those who would like to help but feel they are crafting-challenged, we have created ideas of how to help, such as our Angel Caches along with several other suggestions.

This group is all-volunteer, there are no salaries or compensations paid and all gifts are given to the babies and their parents free of charge.

Support Our Troops

Why Is This Important?
Every 2 minutes a low birthweight baby is born.

Map of TLC volunteer coverage in US

Volunteers in Australia Volunteers in Canada 
1. Southside Hospital, Long Island NY
2. Gulf Coast Center, Ft. Myer's FL
3. St Josephs Hospital, Patterson NJ
4. Emerson Hospital, Concord MA
5. Eastern Maine Medical Center, Bangor ME
6. Tyrone Hospital, Tyrone, PA
7. Jacobi Medical Center, Bronx NY
8. Cabell Huntington Hospital, Huntington WV
9. Cooper Hospital, Camden NJ
10. Northeast Medical Center, North Concord NC
11. Covenant Medical Center, Waterloo IA
12. Jersey Shore Medical, Neptune NJ
13. During the year 2004 smaller deliveries were made to: Kimball Medical, NC; Southside Hospital, NY; Monmouth Medical, NJ; CentreState Hospital, NJ; St. Mary's Hospital, NJ; A Women's shelter in NJ

States and countries highlighted in navy are home to TLC volunteers

Map accurate as of May 2005

Print our brochure to give out at a local event or to send to a friend, or put up our flyer with tear-off tabs at your local shopping center (with their permission). (Word doc)

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Craft for charity

Home - TLC for Angels - Crafting handmade items to donate to hospitals caring for needy babies. Join us and give clothing from sizes premature to newborn to help; members quilt, sew, crochet, and knit
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